Toasted Gargoyle

Weekly Serial Novel, "All The People You Can Eat." Posted every Friday on

Thursday, August 19, 2004

What country is our model?

Woke up this morning and wondered which country is the U.S. modeled after? A great disparity between the rich and the rest of us. A plutocrasy dressed up as a democracy. So which country are we modeling ourselves after: Saudi-Arabia?
Any other suggestions?

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Was Vietnam a war crime?

Woke up this morning and wondered:
Was Vietnam a war crime?

The most general public narrative is that it was a mistake. But does it go further than that? Was it a mistake because it should never have been fought, or because it did not succeed in its objective? Vietnam went Communist anyway, and its "fall" did not start a wave of Communism, as predicted by the domino theory. The rest of the region didn't go Communist.

It was a terrible waste of human life: over two million Vietnamese dead, and 58,000 Americans.

If you think it was a war crime, why?